Tuesday, 3 January 2017

video indexing and searching


Abstract - Vision-based analysis is extremely difficult due to the various concepts (object, action, and scene) contained in videos. Visual concept-based analysis has achieved significant progress. We extract metadata from visual as well as audio resources of videos automatically by applying appropriate analysis techniques.To deal with these issues, we propose a automatic visual concept learning algorithm for event understanding in videos. For evaluation purposes we developed a several automatic indexing functionalities in a large video portal, which can guide both visually and text-oriented users to navigate within video. The extensive experimental evaluations on the collected dataset. We conducted a user study which intended to verify the research hypothesis and to investigate the usability and the effectiveness of proposed.

Index terms: video indexing, video recognition, audio analysis.

We are in age often referred to as the information age. In this information age, because we believe that information leads to power and success, and thanks to sophisticated technologies such as computers, satellites, etc., we have been collecting tremendous amounts of information. Initially, with the advent of computers and means for mass digital storage, we started collecting and storing all sorts of data, counting on the power of computers to help sort through this amalgam of information. In this project, we take a Video/Audio recording and use Sphinx framework to split audio from the video source, once we split the audio from video source, we parse the audio using sphinx framework and extract text from it. We also capture the time in which these text are spoken. Using this information we index the transcriptions we refer this approach as chaining. And offer user to search lecture contents and find at what time frame the specific transcriptions appear on the video, and play video from that time frame. Clustering is used to     find cohesive areas; the word stream from audio file can contain raw data of all parts of speech. We create a chain from the raw data which has all words from first to last appearance of the term in the lecture. The chain is a accumulation of equal terms. There are two main steps involved in this process. First video is split into coherent segments and secondly the topics have to specify the topic with descriptions. Once the words are chained along with the time frame it appear, an application is built to search the indexed words. Where this app allows user to search for the index..It is the crucial step in which clever techniques are applied to extract patterns potentially useful. Data Mining, also popularly known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), refers to the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from data in databases. While data mining and knowledge discovery in databases (or KDD) are frequently treated as synonyms, data mining is actually part of the knowledge discovery process.

While preparing recorder lectures for content based retrieval the automated indexing of multimedia videos and the retrieval of semantically appropriate information from a lecture knowledge base. It is evident that the rapid growth of multimedia data available in e-learning system requires more efficient method for content-based browsing and retrieval of video data. The indexer adds the referenced document to the document list for the appropriate words. In the larger search engine, the process of finding each word in the inverted index(in order to report that it occurred within a document)may be two times consuming , so this process is commonly split up into two parts, the development of a forward index and a process which sorts the contents of the forward into the inverted index. The inverted index is so named because it is an inversion of the forward index. The requested information is often covered by only a few minutes of the lecture recording and is therefore hidden within a full ninety minutes a recording stored among 1000s of others. It is often not the problem to find the proper lecture in the achieve but rather than to find the proper position inside the video stream. It is not practical for learners to watch the whole video to get the desired information inside the lecture video. The problem becomes how to retrieve the appropriate information in a large lecture video database, more efficiently.

Video indexing is a data structure technique to efficiently retrieve record from the databases files based on some attribute on which the indexing has been done. The preview diagram helps you cut the particular part of a video files to convert. You can set the start and end time by dragging the slider bar . Checking the cut clip and then you can get the accurate audio part of the converted file.Now you didn’t need to convert a whole file of several hours long just to get a piece of music of several seconds.  Video indexing is used to retrieve the data. Video provides both frames and images. Its separates frames and images by boosted concept algorithm. The above diagram describes about Sphinx framework. This concept provides user to search a text for easy understanding of video. User provides the text for search. Meanwhile the video of all the frames are converted into audio files. This audio is converted into text file by the concept of algorithm Sphinx framework.

Fig1.System Design.

The purpose of sphinx framework is to convert video speech into text files. This method compares text of both video and user. This provides the series of options in which user wants to select a particular frames. After selecting a particular frame the video will started from the given text. The video indexing providers a less time to search a word from video frame. Final result will be displayed within few seconds.

Fig2. Functional diagram

Video file is converting into audio files or voice. The audio file is uploaded. The application of Sphinx framework is used to convert video files into text files. Its provides request or response. If the given text files provider the correct word the video file will be displayed otherwise is display the error correction. Then the user can view the video from the particular text files.
Videoindexing and searching based on audio text analysis is spitted into three modules.

A.Converting the video into audio.
B. Extracting the data from the audio.
C. Indexing the texts from the audio.

Converting the video into audio.
The video file is processed into frames and images. While processing the video files is converted into audio. This separates the video into frames and images.

Extracting the data from the audio.
From the audio the data is extracted for the audio text analysis. This method provides better searching of text in the video files.

Indexing the text from the audio.

Sphinx framework is used to extract data from audio. The purpose of Sphinx framework is to convert video speech into text files. Indexing is used to retrieve the data.

Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation, written by Georg Brandi and licensed under the BSD license. Here are few Sphinx Unique Features: high indexing speed (up to 10 MB/sec on modern CPUs)high search(avg query is under 0.1 sec on 2-4 GB text collections)high scalability (up to 100 GB of text, upto100Mdocuments on a single CPU)provides distributed searching capabilitiesprovides searching from within MYSQL through pluggable storage enginesupportsBoolean, phrase, and word proximity queriessupports multiple full-text fields per document (upto32 by default)supports multiple additional attributes per document (ie. groups, timestamps, etc)supports MYSQL natively (MYISAM and InnoDB tables are both supported).

The methodology used here are Sphinx framework and boosted concept. In practice , some images frames are not truly related to the concepts assigned to a video. These image will add too much noise if we learn concept classifiers using the extracted visual features from the whole video.
Fig3. Accuracy result of boosted concept algorithm using boosting framework.

In this section, we introduce a boosted concept learning algorithm to iteratively obtain multiple classifiers for each concept. With the help of auxiliary web images, our concept classifiers are trained using the most related images in video. We first overview the whole process of our algorithm.

High indexing speed(up to 10MB/sec on modern CPUs), High search speed(avg query is under 0.1 sec on 2-4 GB text collections), High scalability(up to 100 GB of text, up ti 100 M documents on a single CPU). Provider distributed searching capabilities.Then provides searching from within mysql through pluggable storage engine support the Boolean,phase ,and word proximity queries support multiple full-text fields per document(up to 32 by default) support multiple additional attributes per document(ie. Grouping, timestamps, etc) support mySql natively (my ISAM and INNODB tables are both supported). The scope for future extension as a enhancement this application can recognize local languages to provide better sale information to the user.
Additionally the application can also be enhanced to recognize user written script in various local languages.

In this paper, we presented an approach for content-based lecture video indexing and retrieval in large lecture video archives. Speech recognition technology has a wide range of applications in learning system from captioning video, television for the hearing-impaired, voice controlled computer operation, till dictation. Some of the most popular commercially available applications of Speech Recognition are for dictation and other hands-free writing tasks with software applications. The commercial SR tools are commonly said to achieve 98% accuracy but for the spontaneous speech the accuracy cannot be achieved in the same way due to number of reasons .Digital video recording and learning from video lectures has increased dramatically. A lot of organizations are using video lectures to guide project teams after hours. It is not easy to find an specific information from the specific recording since the requested information will be covered only by few minutes of the lecture recording and therefore it is hidden within a full duration of the lecture or meeting. Detailed browsing in video is not supported due to lack of explicit annotation, manual annotation and segmentation is time consuming.


As an enhancement this application can recognize local languages (Tamil, Hindi etc) to provide better sale information to the user. Additionally the application can also be enhanced to recognize user written scripts in various local languages. We can also insert image as an input and get the required video files.


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